3 Top attributes of great web design
Houston is not a small city. The amount of web designers here in Houston is staggering, let alone the US or even the entire world! But the one thing that separates companies is web design. Web design is much more than just looks, it includes the structure, written copy, and more.
Even a simple looking website with exceptional usability structure, can bring high conversion rates and rank well on Google. User views of such websites are also higher than those with a poor user experience. With that said, we put together what we believe are 3 top attributes of great web design.
1. Mobile Optimized
Keeping in mind the ever-growing usage of smartphones and tables. Your websites design must be effective for various screens. If your website doesn’t support all screen sizes, chance is that you’ll lose the opportunity with your visitor. Here at Galaxy Web Team, we base our designs off of mobile compatibility. Ensuring your visitor, regardless of platform, can get the information they need to make an informed decision.
2. Consistency
Consistency in your web design matters a lot. Attention to matching design elements throughout each of the pages ensures consistency. The goal is to build credibility and confidence. Consistency includes making sure your fonts, sizes, headings, sub-headings, and button styles are all the same throughout the website. Plan everything in advance. Finalize the fonts and the right colors for your texts, buttons etc, and stick to them throughout the development.
3. Simple Web Design is the Best Web Design
Over-designed websites are an actual thing. Putting too many elements on the page can cause distraction to your visitors, taking away the main purpose of your website. Simplicity always works in an effective web page design. Clean and fresh design of your website not only makes the website appealing, but also help user to navigate from one page to another seamlessly. Loading a website having design features which do not serve the purpose may be frustrating. Keep your design as simple as possible so that the visitors can feel it easy-to-use and can find their ways easily.
Design Matters
Keeping the above principles of good web design, you can easily develop an aesthetic and functional website. Without this base, your website won’t be able to live up to its potential. Only with a clean and user-friendly design, you can think to succeed. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to use. We are happy to be a resource.