Why Blogs Are Still Important in 2019
You might be wondering – Are blogs still relevant in 2019? The answer is, YES, they absolutely are! With a blog, business owners can feature small, quick pieces of content that relate to their business. With a consistent flow of content over time your website will increase in both quantity and relevance of content.
You don’t have to have huge 1000+ word pieces, but having something added that is relevant makes big strides in ranking for keywords relevant to your business.
1 reason Blogs are important in 2019 is they can play a major factor in SEO. On a basic level Google looks a few factors. 2 of those being:
- Quantity of content
- Relevance of content.
What is relevancy?
An example of relevancy is:
Let’s say you run a small law practice and you specialize in tax law. What you’ll want to have are blog pieces that are relevant to your law practice and tax law.
You can write about topics such as “why you should pay your taxes” or maybe even “how not to pay taxes and get away with it – legally”
Blog pieces like these will increase the amount of keywords such as “Tax, Taxes, Law, etc.” on your website.
You can even fit in your city if you are trying to rank for local keywords. For example instead of “Why you should pay your taxes” you can rephrase it as “Why you should pay your taxes – especially if you live in Houston TX” or even “Paying your taxes is even more important if you live in Houston, TX”
With slight adjustments / rephrasing or refocusing you can now target your pieces to your local market.
Something I want to touch on is consistency. I’ve written hundreds of content pieces for all types of industries. One thing I have noticed is when you are consistent with your content – Google seems to favor you. I’ve personally seen websites that have had 20 pieces put up in a day not make the same type of organic increases compared to sites that upload 20 pieces consistently over a period of time.
Not only is this useful for implementing your pieces on your website, its a bonus when implementing your blog posts through other marketing channels. For example if you post 1 blog piece a week, you can now share that post weekly on Facebook as well as shoot off an email newsletter weekly to your client base.
Now you’ve turned your blog post into a 3 way marketing piece as well as given yourself time to put together the next piece and schedule it for it’s 3 way launch.
Now maybe writing isn’t your thing? Here at Galaxy Web Team we’ve written content for a number of industries. We can help your business grow through blog posts. If this is something you’re interested in visit our website at galaxywebteam.com and contact us today.
So all of this to say – YES blog posts are still important in 2019. And fundamentally they’ll be important for the years to come.